EU bailout of Greece

Greece Pushed Further into Economic Contraction by New Bail Out

greekdominoesYet another deal, yet more austerity. The Financial Times has the most detailed terms of the latest Greek bail out. We've dug out some details as well.

  • Bail out is €130 billion
  • Greek bondholders hair cut is now voluntary
  • If Greece sovereign debt holders volunteer to take a hair cut, it's up from 50% to 53.5%
  • Greece gets to go into more debt with lowered interest rates
  • Greek is supposed to get their debt to GDP ratio to 120.5% by 2020
  • The ECB is going to distribute profits on €40 billion of Greek bond holdings
  • More austerity cuts of 5% GDP by 2014
  • More privatization of €19 billion by 2015

Here's the money shot. Greece's GDP is expected to shrink by 17% when comparing economic output from 2009 to 2013. That is not a recession. Greece is in a depression.

Gez, why not just invade, rampage and pillage the nation? Must all war be economic these days?

There was a leaked internal document which says Greece will never get out of this debt and shrinking GDP means....more bail outs.

Give the People a Vote on Bank Bailouts? Markets and Politicians Horrified at the Thought

Stock markets around the world reacted with horror this week to the news that Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has ordered that the terms of a proposed EU rescue package worth €130 billion should be voted on by the Greek people in a national referendum. The Nikkei, the German DAX index, the French CAC-40, and the Dow Jones Industrial index all ended the day down 2% or more. The euro took a pummeling on the foreign exchange markets.

Global leaders involved in the Greek rescue talks expressed shock and disappointment that the Greek government would throw into jeopardy the carefully-constructed rescue plans that required approval from all 17 EU governments. The White House press secretary, speaking on behalf of the President, urged Greece to accept the bailout terms as soon as possible. It was US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner who first recommended to the EU leadership that it significantly expand its bailout fund from €440 billion to as much as €2 trillion in order to calm global financial markets.

Now let’s step back a minute and consider how ludicrous this all is. The Greek Prime Minister proposes that the Greek people, who have borne the burden of one austerity package after another each time Greece has approached the EU for help, at long last get to have a say in these discussions. Politicians everywhere express dismay and surprise that any politician, especially one on the receiving end of the bailout talks, would even consider allowing the people to at long last have a vote in these decisions. Financial markets plummet on the news. Since when did democracy become the enemy of good governance in democratic countries?