- Into the Eye of the Storm: Assessing the Evidence on Science and Engineering Education, Quality, and Workforce Demand (Research Report) Author(s): B. Lindsay Lowell, Harold Salzman
Recent policy reports claim the United States is falling behind other nations in science and math education and graduating insufficient numbers of scientists and engineers. Review of the evidence and analysis of actual graduation rates and workforce needs does not find support for these claims. U.S. student performance rankings are comparable to other leading nations and colleges graduate far more scientists and engineers than are hired each year. Instead, the evidence suggests targeted education improvements are needed for the lowest performers and demand-side factors may be insufficient to attract qualified college graduates. - Michael S. Teitelbaum, "Do We Need More Scientists?", The Public Interest, Number 153, Fall 2003.
- Herman E. Daly research on globalization and forced migration. Herman Daly once was a Senior economist for the World Bank and has exceptional and independent insight on true economic theory versus corporate agenda cheerleading hype.
- How Many U.S. Jobs Might Be Offshorable?, CEPS working paper no. 142, March 2007, Dr. Alan S. Blinder.
Where Ricardo and Mill Rebut and Confirm Arguments of Mainstream Economists Supporting Globalization - Paul Samuelson, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2004.
Samuelson proves the assumption that the laws of economics dictate that the U.S. economy will benefit in the long run from all forms of trade, including outsourcing, is false.
China 's Soaring Financial Industrial and Technological and Power, Charles W. McMillion, September 2007, USCC research report.
While the US and the other G-7 countries emphasized privatization and deregulation, China restructured and consolidated its state-owned enterprises into some of the most admired and advanced companies in the world and developed comprehensive and remarkably aggressive Five-Year industrial policy plans to continue its stunning progress. As a measure of its size and modernization efforts, research and development in China has displaced that in Japan, and is on a rapid pace that could surpass that in the US within five years.
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