So this is how it is going to be:
"After putting controversial cuts to Social Security and Medicare on the table in negotiations with congressional Republicans over a plan to raise the nation's debt ceiling, President Obama still doesn't have a deal in the works." Chris Moody, Yahoo News, July 7
Who told President Obama to put "controversial cuts on Social Security and Medicare on the table"? Hasn't the president seen his public opinion polling numbers lately? He is consistently at or below 50% job approval. (Image)
Didn't he pay attention to the special congressional election in the highly conservative, long-time Republican upstate New York district that elected a Democrat for the first time in years?
Isn't the President Obama aware that there's an election coming up; that many of the people he is so willingly and openly betraying rely on Social Security to live and Medicare to stay alive?
What planet does he live on? (Unless this is what he truly desires.)
We expect just this sort of behavior from his negotiating partner, Republican House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio. Boehner is part of the unashamed corruption that is the Ohio Republican Party. He learned at the feet of disgraced former Governor Robert Taft, jailed Representative Robert Ney, and voting machine magician, former Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell. Boehner will get reelected no matter what he does the way they count votes in his home state.
The president's behavior over the coming weeks (and past years) will make little sense unless you view the Democrats and Republicans as the distracting sideshow of the ruling elite. Obama, Boehner, and the rest of them are in place to play democracy, make us think we have some say in things. They make it look so complicated and difficult to address problems rationally and equitably. How could we, the mere citizens, ever do better, we are supposed to think.
The bipartisan sideshow exists to crush all hope that anything will change. That's just fine with The Money Party. The more things change, the more they stay the same. The rake off by the very top fraction of a percent continues unimpeded, a mighty flowing river of cash into their gated communities.
They make it look like conflict but there's no real conflict. Benefits will be cut. How much more obvious do they have to be? It was Obama, after all, who cozied up to Peter Peterson, the decade's long foe of Social Security. Peterson's deficit commission worked in tandem with Obama's hand-picked deficit commissioners to produce this conclusion - Social Security and Medicare will be cut.
The government will continue to use payroll taxes to fund the deficit. It will continue to write IOUs for future repayment of that money to those who rightfully deserve it. But the benefits will dwindle and vanish, by design.
If there was one ounce of sincerity and intellectual honesty in this budgeting process, we would know that war is expensive. The current two are at $4 trillion right now. That's a big chunk of the federal deficit. We would know about the extensive, expensive, and unnecessary subsidy and give away programs for corporate farms. We would hear that the Bush tax cuts plus the defense increases account for a huge portion of the current deficit. And we would hear all about how both parties gave away millions of jobs through "fair trade" deals and by encouraging flight of good jobs to places with slave wages and no labor regulations.
But we won't hear that. The corporate sponsors of team democracy won't stand for it.
Over the past three decades, at least, the leaders of the United States and Western Europe have failed at governance at an accelerating rate. At this point, to varying degrees, the primary strategies of the US and its transatlantic partners are: wage war; demolish the middle class; swindle large groups of people and entire nations through no-win financial schemes; and pollute at a breathtaking rate in full awareness of the outcome.
The level of incompetence is stunning. It can't be tolerated any longer.
Will The Latest Job Figures Change Anything?
Will the focus turn to jobs at last?
Will less than 50,000 new jobs in two months maybe scare any of the Money Party leadership into action?
So far the fear has all been felt by the American people. I hope the people in Washington start feeling it too.
Hell No
What will happen is Obama is now exposed as a corporate lobbyist puppet and will lose.
To be replaced by another corporate lobbyist puppet who is even worse and a Congress out to destroy Americans, middle class, America at all costs.
All sort of blends together doesn't it. I agree and, no offense, I sincerely hope that we're both wrong. Maybe it's like science - you can't predict the major shifts, scientific revolutions, that improve and expand everything. How's that for convoluted wishful thinking. Maybe we'll win the cosmic lottery;) I think I know the "white knight" waiting in the wings to bring order to a "divided nation". Huntsman, the Republican former governor of Utah, former Ambassador to China (appointed by Obama),
BEHOLD Jon Huntsman
Once he's in, we'll be reminded that the bailout authority is international, not US specific, just in time to bailout the Chinese when their house of cards collapses.
OK, I'm done now;)
Michael Collins
Who was that masked man?
Is he the guy who was riding that Japanese motorbike across the desert in the TV ads? Hardly my idea of a "made in the USA" white knight. Another "cut entitlements, cut taxes, privatize Yellowstone, and export jobs" type of the Peter G. Peterson clique. Where do we find such men? If the American political system fails, this will be the reason.
Frank T.
You have my vote Frank T
Where do these guys come from is right. Some sci-fi novel where androids are produced in varying sizes and styles but all operate the same. I wasn't aware of the bike ad. Good grief! Now they don't even pretend to like us!
Michael Collins
The President's Analyst
Why do I have the feeling that the presidential election is offering us a choice between Android A and Android B, C, D, E...Z, all programmed with the same agenda more or less?
Now we know the chips implanted in our brains are made in China by multinational serfs.
Frank T.
but I have to have the latest phone!
So I too can be tracked and profiled better, down to when I enter the bathroom and have no security plus pay $10 for each GB of data I digest. Awesome!
Never - they won't ever frame the issue right
They talk about new jobs but those are really replacements for the millions lost.
They adamantly ignore the negative job growth since 2000, no net new jobs since then.
We're the test bed for all of their failed ideas.
I agree with you - the perpetrators need to feel the pain, get worried, and wonder if their time in power is over forever. It should be. If any of us had a business of any size with employees like our rulers, we'd fire them quickly and list "not for rehire" in their files. It wouldn't take much thought. "There's the door!"
Michael Collins
"Unfit for command"
Put the standard entry into the personnel file -- "Unfit for command".
Precise wording
Reminds me of when Wesley Clark said that the Iraq War was ultimately a coverup for a 'failure of command' during 9/11. That dwarfs any 9/1 conspiracy theory. One party screws up, gets replaced but never investigated. Why? Because the other party is about to do something similarly catastrophic. I'll give it to Bush, however. He went further than any president in facilitating the outright destruction of the nation. I'm in awe.
Michael Collins
Do 'em again, (uncle) Sam!!
Evidently the tap dancing last Dec with the tax cuts renewal didn’t cause too much uproar among the peons, so they’ve rolled out a sequel.
They're relentless
If there were an uproar, they'd never cover it. When Bush was inaugurated in 2001, there were 50,000 pissed off protesters all over DC. We never heard about it but, nevertheless, they were there. Can't upset the storyline. Might really screw things up, particularly if your a collection of total control freaks like The Money Party.
Michael Collins