UAW Wants a Seat at the Table, the GM Board Table

The UAW, the auto workers union, is looking to get a seat on the board of GM.

The United Auto Workers union wants a seat on General Motors Corp.’s board in exchange for money- saving concessions to help U.S. carmakers win federal aid, a local president said.

The union “seeks an equity stake in the company, most likely in the form of a seat on the board of directors,” President Marc McQuillen said in a posting on Local 2404’s Web site. A UAW spokesman, Roger Kerson, said he didn’t have an immediate comment. A GM spokeswoman, Sherrie Childers Arb, also had no immediate comment.

I hope they get it for lord knows they are giving a lot of concessions and should be given some power in the future direction of the company.

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I think that the article and

I think that the article and video showing the new PE was fabulous. I teach at a small private school where issues such as space and funding would make the ropes course challenging if not impossible. One way we have changed our P.E is to start the year with a six week unit on stretching, yoga and pilates. This not only benefits the overall fitness level of all students, but it also gives the non-athletic students the feeling they can excell at a physical activity. It also provides the athletes with the stretching techniques to prevent injuries, as well as promoting balance and flexiblility.


What does that have to do with United Auto Workers and GM?

Robert, perhaps we need a break from anonymous unverified posters for a while.

Oh, on edit the next morning, I finally realized that this wasn't actually an anonymous post- there's an x-rated link underneath the word "Anonymous".....what good does it do a spammer if you can't find the link to click on?!?!?!?

Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.