
Some and not many Pundits are Optimistic Trump Will Win, I am Not.

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This is not 2016 and Trump got one hell of a shellacking from Harris. This forecast by Nate Silver seems to me to be a bit optimistic. about Trump in the lead with 60-something percent. After Trump’s debate performance with Kamala Harris, I do not see Trump winning. If he does, it will be slight. […]

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UPDATE: Real median household income for <sigh> 2023

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 – by New Deal democrat I’m a little late to this, since FRED took its time updating, but the annual report of median household income for the US was released on Tuesday for 2023.  This is an important statistic about the well-being of, well, the median American household, so one of my pet peeves is […]

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Another After the Debate Update

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This is a good update as done by Prof. Heather Cox-Richardson at Letters from an American. As Prof. Heather writes, Trump is denying the reality of his failure(s) during the debate, He took the bait VP Kamala Harris laid out during the debate hook, sinker, line, and the pole. It was brutal to watch. And […]

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Unforeseen Health Care Bills Coverage Denials by U.S. Insurers

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Coverage denials as reported by the Commonwealth Fund today almost never happened in the past and was a rare occurrence. The insurance companies would concede to the findings of the examining doctors. The methodology being used today is to deny, deny, deny until the insured and the doctor give up. I think it was 1997 […]

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USPS has been Addressing Mail Slowdown in the Guise of Improvements

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Will mail slowdown affect your area? USPS won’t say, Save the Post Office Richmond Times-Dispatch: The USPS is proposing a new plan in order to keep itself afloat, and the plan involves slower mail in rural ZIP codes across the country. But the agency will not say which post offices will be affected. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy […]

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Initial claims still positive, moving into very challenging YoY comparisons (plus a note about the PPI)

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– by New Deal democrat If residual post-pandemic seasonality has been affecting jobless claims statistics, the real acid test is going to begin next week, as for the next 7+ months, any number higher than 220,000 is almost always going to be higher than one year ago. In the meantime, for this our last week of […]

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One Would Think Low-Cost Stores Would Know How to Adapt During Poor Economic Times . . .

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Apparently, the larger WalMarts, Target, etc. know how to do so. The lower cost rivals(?) which should have greater appeal to its targeted customers are struggling. ~~~~~~~ Dollar General and Dollar Tree need a ‘new playbook‘ to compete . . . In the world of retail, Walmart, Target, and Costco continue to thrive with their blend of quality […]

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Trillions in Taxes Dodged by Ultra-Rich Could Fund the Social Security Trust Fund

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Without a doubt, there are simpler ways to resolve the funding of Social Security going beyond 2035. Bruce Webb, Dale Coberly, and Angry Bear have discussed the topic enough times. They have also been verbally attacked by others for suggesting the Northwest Plan is a way to secure Social Security up till 2100 or close […]

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The Fed Just Kicked the Capital Increases for the Dangerous Megabanks and their Derivatives Down the Road for Years

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The Fed Just Kicked the Capital Increases for the Dangerous Megabanks and their Derivatives Down the Road for Years

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: September 12, 2024 ~ When the next megabank blows up from its derivative exposure, you can add the names Jamie Dimon and Patick McHenry to former Republican Congressmen Randy Hultgren and Kevin Yoder as four of the men who greased the skids for another derivatives banking crisis. (For our report on the role played by Hultgren and Yoder, see our 2021 report here.) Dimon and McHenry are the latest lead players in the disastrous history of derivative regulation in the U.S. Dimon is the Chair and CEO of the riskiest and largest bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase. After his bank lost $6.2 billion gambling in derivatives in London in 2012 – using deposits from his federally-insured bank – Dimon would, to rational minds, seem like the least qualified candidate to be giving advice to his banking regulators on how much capital megabanks need … Continue reading →


TSMC and Intel building Plants in Phoenix

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An update on what is happening here is Arizona. There is more than just TSMC building in the Phoenix area. Intel has a couple of plants under construction also. TSMC has good news as it looks to make chips in the U.S. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s production trials in Arizona are yielding results similar to […]

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Covid Metrics Ending Week August 31

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r.j. sigmund‘s notes on Covid Metrics It appears all US Covid metrics are now heading down except for deaths, but we can expect deaths to head lower in a week or two as well, as the reduced numbers of those who are newly infected work through the health care system…among the CDC’s “early indicators” “test positivity”, […]

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The Fed and the Press Should Stop Inflating Inflation Expectations

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by Steve Roth Originally Posted at Wealth Economics (June 2023) Recent headline inflation prints are below the Fed’s target, and falling. That news is a powerful tool for controlling expectations, but the Fed’s not using it. 1.5%. That’s the latest headline inflation rate in the U.S. per the May CPI release, and also according to […]

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The Expected Inflation Imp

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I think the imp is my most noticed contribution to the economic discussion. Brad DeLong mentioned the fact that I mentioned him, but called him the inflation expectations imp . Then Paul Krugman mentioned him shortening the name to “the expectations imp”. Alot of time has passed since then during the slow recovery from the […]

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August CPI: further important progress towards 2% YoY level, marred (only) by a surprise uptick in shelter

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– by New Deal democrat August CPI, with the conspicuous exception of shelter, continued to come in tame. And the list of other “problem children” decreased by 1, as only food away from home (restaurants) and transportation services (motor vehicle insurance and repairs) remain. Let’s get the headlines out of the way:  – Headline CPI continued increased […]

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Another Perspective of the Harris-Trump Meeting

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I was hoping Prof. Heather Cox-Richardson would comment on the Harris-Trump meeting. In her first sentence Prof. Heather states it all about Trump’s approach in meetings. She discusses Clintons and Biden’s foibles in the next two sentences. The following paragraph states it all . . . “how to counter Trump’s dominance displays while also appealing […]

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Last Night’s Debate (?) September 10, 2024

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Robert Reich discusses the Trump – Harris debate or meeting last night (September 10, 2024). As expected, Kamala Harris was the adult in the room schooling Mr. Trump on how to be an adult. It still did not stop his outbursts and wandering off pursuing other avenues of attack. It was good to see the […]

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“pollution does not discriminate,” and if a regulating authority had to consider race in its enforcement decision making, it will “indeed participate in racism.”

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A federal judge in Louisiana declares a state can not use race as a reason to reject a project which may cause pollution. Stating “’Pollution does not discriminate,’ and that if a regulating authority had to consider race in its enforcement decision making, it will ‘indeed participate in racism.’” The new ruling bars Louisiana from […]

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Carbon capture and storage is a fantasy — and taxpayers are footing the bill

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A relatively long piece on Carbon Capture by Vox. It does touch on every topic concerning capture and storage. Oil companies sold the public on a fake climate solution — and swindled taxpayers out of billions by Amy Westervelt Vox This spring, Democrats wrapped up a nearly three-year investigation into the fossil fuel industry’s role in climate disinformation […]

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