
The Presidential Candidate Not There

It seems safe to say no one is happy with the Presidential candidate field. Poll after poll shows strong disapproval with government and why not, with inane policies promoted by both sides.
corporate politicians

Tonight is yet more political football with pundit coach potato quarterbacks featured on every cable news channel. It's another Republican debate.

So, why is a GOP candidate, a former Louisiana governor as well as Congressman, now running for President not there?

Because they wouldn't let him.

Buddy Roemer is running for President. Yup, a GOP candidate is talking about China, corruption in politics, trade and jobs. He's even picking up on one of Obama's empty campaign promises, removing corporate tax incentives to offshore outsource your job. Even more promising for broad appeal, it seems Roemer was once a conservative Democrat and switched parties. Hopefully that implies he might actually have an open mind to agenda that adds up by the numbers and makes economic sense, unlike most of the GOP field. Roemer also has a Harvard MBA and unlike Bush, didn't skate, so he might just have a little clue on economic policy that isn't made up by corporate lobbyists.

Any Jobs Bill Must Have Buy American and Hire America Mandatory Requirements

arra signPaul Krugman shows the 2009 economic stimulus was not enough.  We've shown as have many others, tax cuts for the rich do not create jobs.   Yet, many criticized the $787 Billion Stimulus bill as spending, loaded with political favors and misdirected funds.  For example, 84% of the green jobs went offshore and build America bonds were yet another gift for Goldman Sachs.

The problem with the original stimulus wasn't that it wasn't big enough.  It was not smart enough.  What we need is true domestic stimulus.  If you're going to spend our money to stimulate our economy, stop shipping our dough to China instead.
buy american
Is this possible?  Can one stop the offshore outsourcing of jobs, especially jobs created with our hard earned taxpayer dollars?  Is there anything that can be done which actually goes to American workers?   Why yes there is.  First and foremost, all stimulus funding should have two mandatory requirements, Buy American and Hire America.  If a government is enacting Keynesian economic stimulus, they must keep that spending within the domestic economy they wish to stimulate.  The last thing America's workers need is stimulating China's economy and generating more jobs for them.

Sunday Morning Comics - Singing the Money Blues Edition

Brought to you by Economic Fiction - Helping Win Elections By Spinning Tales of Prosperity One Lie at a Time!
Cup O' Joe


Good Morning! Rise and Shine! Get that Cup O' Joe...
break out the O.J....hang out with the pooch...time to check out the money funnies.


Congress Passes Social Security Reform Bill


Cartoonist: R.J. Matson


We Can't Just Sit Here Doing Nothing

Early in his tenure as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Ben Bernanke promised to make the workings of monetary policy more transparent. By golly – that’s exactly what he’s done! We no longer read the minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee as if they contain hidden messages as to where policy might go in the future. We even bother to notice who is voting which way; gone are the days when every vote had to be unanimous because any no vote would be considered the equivalent of stabbing the Chairman in the back. These days, the people who vote no want their name out there in bright lights and their reasons spelled out in glorious detail.

The minutes released this week for the August FOMC meeting are a treasure trove of transparency. There is so much transparency because these people at the FOMC don’t know what to do. Some want more Quantitative Easing, but they don’t agree on the form it should take: add even more securities to the Fed’s gargantuan balance sheet (now equal to 4% of the entire GDP of the economy); or, sell some short term securities and buy long term securities in order to manipulate long term rates lower, yet keep the overall Fed balance sheet total unchanged.

Meet Obama's New Council of Economic Advisers Chair, Labor Economist Alan Krueger

Who is Alan Krueger?  More importantly, is anyone in this administration going to propose solid legislation and policies, well thought out in detail, that will actually work to get America back to work?  Bottom line, it looks like the same ole party line and finding anywhere Krueger has crossed it comes up empty.
line in sand
