
Ladies - You are not Getting Equal Pay for Equal Work, Scream Loudly ok?

The New York Times asks the simple question, Why Is Her Paycheck Smaller? :

Nearly every occupation has the gap — the seemingly unbridgeable chasm between the size of the paycheck brought home by a woman and the larger one earned by a man doing the same job.

It doesn't matter where the job lies on the income spectrum: all but a handful fall below the bar of equal pay. The percentage gap is about the same for lower-wage workers, like medical assistants, as it is for higher-wage workers, like physical therapists.

They have a nice, interactive graph which shows the details on the wage gap.

The article states the reason is good old fashioned discrimination but then refers to personal choices.

Women Small Business Can't Land Government Contracts

This is a most interesting article from the New York Times:

Last year, female small-business owners were awarded only 3.4 percent of annual federal contracts — even though the latest statistics show women own almost half, or 10.1 million, of small businesses nationwide, and generate about $2 trillion in revenue

In 2000, Congress directed that female small-business owners receive 5 percent of federal contracts each year, now estimated to total $435 billion. But putting that mandate into effect has been a continual battle between lawmakers and the Bush administration.

Women Techies Getting the Diss & Silicon Valley Uses the Crisis as an Excuse

Just what women techies need to hear when massive layoffs are headed to Silicon valley. Oh yeah, get this, the layoffs aren't really layoffs but more of an excuse to offshore outsource even more jobs, age discriminate and our usual high tech blame game, insulting people working their ass off as dead wood to justify their staff thrashing....(TechCrunch loves to blame the victim and promote global labor arbitrage).

Back to women techies....they are not having families, working their ass off, much more than their male counterparts and yet...all of that effort just isn't paying off:

Duh - Not "Soccer Moms" After All - New polls shows Women want Economic Policy change!

I gotta laugh for in the past, there has been such inherent sexism in the women vote analysis. Things like soccer moms and feelings and fear....well, I guess it takes a think tank run by women to get to the truth of the matter.

A new poll from the National Women's Law Center finds:

Poll Findings: Women Are Worried About the Future and Believe Government Must Act

According to a recent poll by the National Women's Law Center, women feel the impact of economic insecurity and rising food, energy, education, and health care costs more deeply than men – and see government as a key to the solution.

According to the poll, women want:

  • A better health care system
  • An end to the wage gap
  • Affordable birth control, comprehensive sex education, and protection for Roe v. Wade
  • Access to high-quality child care