VHP group in India wants to Ban U.S. Products over H-1B guest worker Visas

This one is just too ridiculous. Since when is the United States responsible and must provide a guaranteed employment program for the citizens of India....for guaranteed jobs in the United States?

You getting that? We cannot even get U.S. citizens preferred for jobs in their own country and check out this insanity!

VHP wants India to ban American products over H1B visa issue:

The VHP on Wednesday asked the Indian Government to ban all American products unless the Barack Obama administration amends its decision on H1B visa curbs.

He said the decision meant that lakhs of Indian students studying in various US universities would not get employment there.

''About one million Indians will be made jobless by a single decision of Obama,'' he told reporters here.

Just incredible. I note this VHP fails to recognize those are American jobs and have put millions of Americans out of work!

Gets better! The VHP are known as Hindu nationalists. So here is a group promoting Hindu nationalism telling another country they must create an employment program for them.

BTW: Think this threat is a big deal? Uh, we run a massive trade deficit with India.

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They should. Let them.

India has a trade imbalance with the United States of $10 billion in India's favor. I say, let them stop importing from us, and in return, let's ban trade with them. It will stop a $10 billion/year loss to the United States.
Moral hazards would not exist in a system designed to eliminate fraud.

Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.