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Silly Request

Folks, put this poll in a link on other sites when the analysis posts on recovery/bottom/worst to come/implosion "debate" turns nasty.

I was on a lot of different sites today and it's getting ugly out there, so this might be fun to lighten it up.

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what's the difference

between "Green weeds" and "Brown weeds"?


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As Aesop would tell the tale....

Green Weeds would say that yes we have some positive economic indicators in the economy but they aren't real, it's a reinflation of the bubble economy or say pushing up the financial sector with trillions of dollars...

i.e. not the right kind of things we want to see recover.

Brown weeds means everything is toast. I guess I should have added "salted and barren" for the Economic Armageddon is coming crowd.

Glad to see you back JV! I should mention, we might be getting a lot more classic investors, traders, finance type readers and this area of the site has not gotten a lot of love in topic area.

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For Elliott Wave Enthusiasts

I've never understood this stuff but have always found it fascinating. This analysis would certainly support the "salted and barren" outlook. The emergence of a single pattern in all of the major market indices worldwide must mean something. It's also interesting that the policy recommendation for central planners has a similar effect to Michael Hudson's call for a Debt Jubilee.

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Salted & Barren added to poll by request

I didn't realize how many Financial Armageddon people we have on EP.

Scorched Earth!

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Chauncey makes the big time, I think they read our poll

All of a sudden Chauncey Gardiner analogies are popping up in the WSJ and noted by Krugman as well as here.

Remember, you saw the joke here folks! This poll has been up for a couple of months!

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