Developing and Protecting Resources

This country and the people in it are a great resource for stabilizing and protecting the world. Conservative policies will deteriorate this resource. Instead of driving the dependent people into oblivion with negative tax policies we should protect and develop that resource with productive tax policies. Taxation should benefit the country. Rewarding entrepreneurs that invest in jobs producing ventures would benefit the country. More people working would generate more tax revenue to reward more jobs producing investors. Extrapolating the current conservative ideology would shrink the government lessening the effects of tax spending creating stagnation. It is fact that low velocity money will cause unemployment. Rhetoric will not cause a person to get a job if no jobs are available. All the positive financial legislation following the crashes has been attacked and to either disable or be removed. And only to make money lazy. To make more money faster and easier. If all the legislation similar to and including Glass Steagal were unmodified and intact the poverty level would be abolished and all the creditors would own real estate instead of securities. People would be happy, schools would be free and parks would flourish. Wealth would still be in the same hands except they would own more real estate. Money spent is money working. More money spent is more accomplished. Stopping spending stops activity.
