Welcome to the weekly roundup of great articles, facts and figures. These are the weekly finds that made this reader's eyes pop.
Too Big To Fail Banks Just Got Bigger
The Wall Street Journal reports those TBTF TARP recipient banks just got bigger:
The top five U.S. commercial and investment banks — Bank of America, J.P. Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs — have emerged from the financial crisis larger than ever. As of the third quarter of 2010, they had a total of $8.6 trillion in assets, according to data provider Capital IQ. That’s 13.3% of all U.S. financial firms’ assets, up from 11.8% three years earlier, when the financial crisis hit.
Oil Shocks & Recessions
As we've talked about, economist James Hamilton has published new research showing a strong correlation between sudden rise in oil prices and recessions.
Every recession (with one exception) was preceded by an increase in oil prices, and every oil market disruption (with one exception) was followed by an economic recession.
He also analyzes price controls and their effect. Hamilton wrote a blog piece, with graphs, which overviews his conclusions.
Understanding The Democratic Party Power Structure
Former Congressional Staffer Matt Stoller has some amazing insights into the power structure of the Democratic party:
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