
How likely is a new "Populist Moment"?

In the middle of last week, lambert posted on CorrenteWire a brief snippet of a very dramatic and gut wrenching conversation between David Cay Johnston and Chris Hedges, about the likelihood that America is near a tipping point into massive, militant, violent social dissent - but which is coming from the wrong-wing, not the left.

The Big Short (Michael Lewis)

And That Giant Squishing Sound

A must-read book is Michael Lewis' latest: The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, truly an outstanding description of the factors leading to the meltdown.

While I hold Mr. Lewis in utmost respect as a thoroughly intelligent observer and author, as well as thoroughly honest, I disagree with his conclusions as well as one item in his book.

As Mr. Lewis was utilizing public sources, he can be forgiven if he was redirected, or misdirected on one item (which he honestly doesn't pinpoint as a ground zero event), where he identifies Michael Burry as the instigator of the naked swap, so to speak.

I resolutely believe this was in place long before Mr. Burry inquired into its creation, and there is much extraneous data lying around to validate this assertion.

Must Read Posts for March 13, 2010

On The Economic Populist you might have noticed the middle column. We try to list other sites and blogs who have exceptional insight and writing on what is happening in the U.S. economy.

Sometimes though, one cannot say it better but miss those who did.

Must Read Post #1

Robert Reich gets his outrage on and calls the Economic Recovery a Sham:

The US economy grew at a 5.9 percent annual rate in the fourth quarter of 2009. That sounds good until you realize GDP figures are badly distorted by structural changes in the economy. For example, part of the increase is due to rising health care costs. When WellPoint ratchets up premiums, that enlarges the GDP. But you’d have to be out of your mind to consider this evidence of a recovery.

Friday Movie Night - China Currency Manipulation & Make Markets Be Markets

hot buttered popcorn It's Friday Night! Party Time!   Time to relax, put your feet up on the couch, lay back, and watch some detailed videos on economic policy!


The good news is more and more people are recording lectures, forums and talks and putting them online. There were two major conferences where some of the clips are online that I believe EP readers will want to watch.

Here are some talks from the Make Markets Be Markets conference. All of the videos are here.


Lehman Brothers - If you are experiencing Déjà vu, that's because it is GroundHog Day!

The shit has hit the fan and Lehman Brothers was busy cooking the books before they imploded. Where have we seen this before? Let's see, we had Enron, Worldcom, Citigroup, accounting scandals, AIG scandals and here we are.

Maybe we got a bail out because it is within bankruptcy court these discoveries are made. With a Lehman Rescue would we ever have known this latest rip off and scam?

Below is a Dylan Ratigan show clip, where he explains what Lehman Brothers did, in a nice visual and analogy so you can grasp the magnitude.
