
Foreign Investors Will Get Billions of Your Taxpayer Money in Bail Out

Congress Presentative Brad Sherman (CA-27th) is strongly speaking out on the latest version of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (Bail Out Bill) and in particular exposing how foreign banks, investors will get billions and billions of American taxpayer money.


Buying Congress - Bullied on the Bail Out

One must wonder why Congress is hell bent on passing a plan when so many economists are questioning it even working at all and while other more proven approaches are available.

Congressman Peter DeFazio issued a press release showing the the bitterness of these so called sweeteners being dangled before our representatives on Capital Hill:

Did the Irish just end Globalization?

Bailout legislation protecting domestic deposits in Irish national banks was signed into law by President Mary McAleese at 3:30 PM (Irish time).

President Mary McAleese has this evening signed legislation giving effect to the Government's €420 billion bank guarantee scheme.

A single-line statement from Áras an Uachtaráin just after 3.30pm said Mrs McAleese had signed the Credit Institutions (Financial Support) Bill 2008 into law.

Unlike the US FDIC or the British Financial Services Compensation Scheme, Ireland has had, until today, a deposit insurance scheme to protect only something like the first €20,000 deposited by individuals into banks.

While We Watch Our Senate Sell America Down the River....

Let's take a moment to watch some videos on what is really happening on main street. Note, by voice vote the entire Senate turned down Bernie Sander's attempt to get the people who got filthy rich from this for it. Nope. Senators instead turn reality on it's head and claim they are not doing what they indeed are doing...bailing out Wall Street.


This one is about a Southern California Area Called the Inland Empire:


Lobbyists Surround the Hill - Demand Their Bail Out

While faxes, emails and outrage clog Congress's communication system, lobbyists are swarming the hill with unfettered access.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce threatens Congress with retribution if they do not pass their bail out.

the U.S. Chamber of Commerce launched 30-second radio ads in the Washington area aimed directly at lawmakers

Peter DeFazio describes one Lobbyist from Morgan Stanley just threw out a funding solution used in the past by claiming Wall Street Wouldn't Like It.

Manufacturing Monday: Crazy Venom's Used Car Sale!

Greetings folks, and welcome to another installment of Manufacturing Monday.  If you're looking for updates on the financial bailout, sorry today I'm focusing on manufacturing.  Though I highly recommend the many other, if I may say, much more talented bloggers than I who also cover economics.  Nope, today we're talking automobiles!  So let "Crazy Venom" here show you what's on the lot!


Volt to charge up Flint's economic engine with it's own.

A Global Economy is a Transfinite Economy

This is going to be a bit short on math. I haven't taken the time to generate a lot of graphs, and this is my own idea, no economist of note is backing me up on this. But this still makes sense three days after I wrote it, so I'm posting it to see if it makes sense to anybody else.

This will be a long blog post, perhaps more of a mini-pamphlet or book. As I write this, the United States, indeed the world, stands at the brink of the Depression of 2008. Governments around the world are activating mechanisms invented 80 years ago in an effort to halt the slide. Banks are failing, depositor’s insurance is being activated, huge buyouts are happening every single day.
