
Manufacturing Monday: Ok..things not looking so hot

(Editor's note: My sincerest apologies, I had planned to post this thing up this morning. But alas, my hard drive with the notes ended up saying it would mimic John McCain's economic plan, and collapse on me. Several hours later looking for a hard drive and attempting to reinstall Vista, I'm up and running. So this is an abbreviated version of what I had planned. Once again, sorry, rest assured I will make up for this. )

Right now, you probably have heard that Lehman Brothers is no more, and the Merrill Lynch is now a vassal of Bank of America. Well things on the manufacturing side ain't looking that great.

By the numbers

The Bomb - McCain vs. Obama Plans on the Financial Implosion

madison implodeNews moves at lightening speed.    One minute the story is Lehman Brothers going bankrupt, the next is Barclays is now going to buy some of it, in the asset fire sale in the bankruptcy court.


AIG is like watching a building implode, in slow motion.   Bank of America is buying Merrill Lynch, yet no one is questioning any of this, including their purchase of another in trouble mortgage firm, CountryWide.  

So, what specifically do these Presidential candidates plan to do about all of this? Right now, we have more finger pointing of the two campaigns with little details on actual policy plans or positions.

Countdown to $100 Oil ?!? (part 5) - Final Post

This is it. Forward month WTI has closed below $100, at $95.71. The Series is officially over.

When I began this series on May 29, Oil was over $130, having gone up 30% in only 4 months! It seemed everybody was convinced that we would have $150 Oil by July 4 and $200 Oil by the end of 2008. Here's what the Oil chart looked like on the very day that I said "The Countdown to $100 Oil is on":

05/08 oil

click graph to enlarge

Courtesy bonddad

BREAKING: Wall Street Mega-Merger!!!

BREAKING NEWS! Mega Merger on Wall Street just announced!!!

In a surprise move, a slew of Wall Street firms brought together by the Fed and the US Treasury Department originally to discuss bailing out Lehman Brothers, decided to merge with each other instead.

The new entity, which Wall Street sources said was to be called CitiLehmanUnitedBearStearnsJPMorganGoldmanSachsAIGMerrillWaMu - FannieFreddieUnionCountrywideKravitz, will trade on the Exchanges under the shortened acronym, CLUSTERF*CK.

The End of the American Empire

Most people think that all you need to maintain an empire is guns, bombs, and soldiers. They are wrong.
To maintain an empire what you need above all else is money. Lots and lots of money. A victorious army in the field is useless without the wealth behind it.

A good example of this is the Suez Crisis of 1956, which marked the end to the British Empire.
America is following in Britain's footsteps.

Britain's attempt to strong-arm Egypt had indirectly caused a nationalist backlash and Gamal Abdul Nasser's rise to power. When Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, Israel, France, and Britain invaded and quickly routed the Egyptian army.
But they had forgotten to do one thing - clear it with America.

Pointing Fingers - Can It Lead to an Implosion?

A hard hitting Obama campaign ad against John McCain points out he is surrounded by corporate lobbyists writing policies he would implement as a Government administration.

Mud comment

Obama's lobbyists? Well it's a little more indirect but it's really a matter of wording, the same people are giving the money.

Circular firing squad? Hope of all hopes.

Friday Movie Night - What is Globalization?

It's Friday Night! Party Time! Time to relax, put your feet up on the couch, lay back, and watch some detailed videos on economic policy! This weeks video clip theme is Globalization. What is Globalization? Well, let's take a turn to the far left. It is the far left who really were warning on unfettered capitalism across national boundaries long before arbitrage hit mainstream: Norm Chomsky tries to answer what Globalization even is:

America's Addiction

“A moderate addiction to money may not always be hurtful; but when taken in excess it is nearly always bad for the health.”
- Clarence Day

America needs an intervention.
Like any addict, America can't see the dependency problem that is killing it. President Bush tells us that we have an addiction to oil, and he's right. But that isn't the addiction that is killing us.
The monkey that we need to get off our backs is the dependency on other people's money. If we don't kick this habit it will ruin us for sure.

"Money doesn't mind if we say it's evil, it goes from strength to strength. It's a fiction, an addiction, and a tacit conspiracy."
- Martin Amis

Tax and Spend Democrats

Republicans have successfully equated “Tax and Spend” and the “Democratic Party” for as long as I can remember. They have been extremely successful in throwing out this phrase to scare tax payers into believing that Democrats want to take their hard earned money and squander it on things that the Republicans feel are unnecessary. Every time a Republican is running for office, or just talking about Democrats in general, the term is used as an insult, without a rebuttal from Democrats.

I don’t understand why Democrats haven’t embraced this term and used it to their own advantage. “Tax and Spend” actually equates to “fiscal responsibility”. It has nothing to do with over taxing citizens or wasteful spending. It simply means that we should pay for what we spend rather than borrowing the money from our children and grand children.
