
Employee Abuse Runs Rampant In America

Corporate culture, HR hound dogs who hunt the squeaky wheel, bullying, abuse and politics abound for working America today.  For those who still have a job, America has turned into a survivor game.  No longer are workers respected and treated as human beings.   Even those most educated and skilled are treated like pond scum

Student Financial Aid Goes To The Rich And The Poor Get Debt Instead

Did you know rich students get financial help from colleges while the poor ones get laden with debt instead?  Such is the conclusion of a new report, Demerit Aid, from the New America Foundation.  While Pell grants tallied $35 billion in 2012, universities are reducing their own financial aid based on income and instead, shifting those funds to the wealthy students.

The Great American Wealth Transfer to the Super Rich

The rich get richer and the rest of us get the economic shaft.  That is the theme of this so called economic recovery since 2009.  A new Pew Research report, A Rise in Wealth for the Wealthy; Declines for the Lower 93%, analyzes newly released Census data on wealth.  What they found is the rich got richer and the rest of us got poorer.  The great American wealth transfer continues.

Outrageous Economic Shorts - There Is No STEM Worker Shortage

Once again our daily barrage of economic injustice news is overwhelming.  From lobbyist lies to interest rate swap rigging to killing workers by the hundreds to our best and brightest working jobs flipping burgers, here are some quick economic news shorts that you don't want to miss.


Another Flash Crash Hits Wall Street

A Flash Crash hit all major US stock markets this afternoon when a hacked Associated Press alert appeared which stated that two major explosions occurred at the White House, injuring President Barack Obama. Within seconds all the major stock indexes - the Dow Jones Industrials, the S&P 500, and the NASDAQ, began plummeting.

Comprehensive Immigration Bill is a Disaster for American Workers

America has a problem, a big problem.  We have a Congress who will only act when powerful lobbyists throw enough money at them.  Such is the result of the new Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill.  This bill will be an unmitigated disaster for working America.  The bill increases the U.S. legal labor supply by at least 14 million by giving not just those here illegally legal status but also those who were previously deported who still have family members in the U.S. the legal status to work.

Foreclosure Settlement Shows 4.2 Million Borrowers Shafted in 2009-2010

The truth comes out on the mortgage fraud settlement.  The OCC announced the payout terms and for most people, they get less than $1,000 out of the deal.  Only in America can one be fraudulently foreclosed on, lose their home, have their credit ruined, only to be compensated less than $1,000 for the ordeal.

Friday Movie Night - Women Who Make America

Tonight's Friday Featured Documentary is the three hour PBS documentary Women Who Make America.  The film goes trhough the history of the woman's movement of the 1960's.  Recently we wrote about foreign guest workers enabling sex discrimination in high tech.  This film shows just how bad it was for women's equal rights and the battles fought.  Yet in 2013, Republicans are yet again blocking a bill to guarantee equal pay for equal work.

The Student Loan Money Machine

Going to college these days amounts to sinking oneself into a lifetime of massive debt.  A new student advocacy report spells out some damning facts.  Did you know the federal government is slated to make a whopping $34 billion in 2014 off of student loans?  Meanwhile other reports are showing student debt is keeping people from obtaining credit, buying a home and moving on with their lives.
