Robert Oak's blog

Friday Movie Night - Made in America

hot buttered popcorn It's Friday Night! Party Time!   Time to relax, put your feet up on the couch, lay back, and watch some detailed videos on economic policy!


Tonight's movie is more a series and an acknowledgment. ABC News has been reporting on Made in America.

They have an entire website devoted to Made in America and they are discovering some myths that only Chinese goods are cheap enough.

Here are the first two video reports in their series.


New CBO Immigration Study - 12% of Population Foreign Born, 4% Here Illegally

The United States Population has the largest percentage of foreign born since 1920, including 10.8 million illegal immigrants and the Supreme Court is taking 'em on. SCOTUS just ruled the lower courts must re-examine their ruling on Hazelton Pennsylvania's laws to verify renters and workers are there legally.

China Ripoffs Cost U.S. $48 billion and 923,000 Jobs in 2009

How Stupid Can America Be? Pretty damn stupid according to a new report by the United States International Trade Commission. In 2009, the United States lost $48 billion dollars and 923,000 jobs due to brazen theft by China. Yet, companies routinely think the great answer is to manufacture in China, due to lower costs.

Sunday Morning Comics - Bye Bye American Pie Edition

Brought to you by "We Refuse to Be Dead" Dying Cities - Gee, who made that decision, Goldman Sachs?
Cup O' Joe


Good Morning! Rise and Shine! Get that Cup O' Joe...
break out the O.J....hang out with the pooch...time to check out the money funnies.


This is what Grand Rapids Michigan had to say in response to Newsweek telling them they were a dying city.


Grand Rapid Michigan LibDub

