Oh woe to the U.S. worker. Labor Productivity soared 6.2% in Q4 2009. We have a 7.2% increase in output and a measly 1.0% increase in hours worked. Hourly compensation increased 1.5%.
For the year labor productivity increased 5.1% and only compares to the great job exodus of 2001/2002.
Score another one for lobbyists U.S. Chamber of Commerce, NASSCOM and Multinational corporations who are manipulating international and U.S. corporate tax codes. The Obama administration shelved corporate tax reform to remove the loopholes for the tax gains corporations get to offshore outsource your job.
The Obama administration has shelved the proposal in the face of intense pressure from business. A key part of the tax plan, and a key beef of industry, was a proposal to reform the part of the tax code that allows companies to defer paying taxes on profits earned from overseas investments.
We already know Stimulus money has been used to offshore outsource jobs and now we have a new tactic to avoid the meager Buy American clause....waivers.
As local governments race to spend stimulus money, many are seeking exemptions from the law’s “Buy American’’ restrictions, which were intended to prevent taxpayer money from ending up in foreign pockets.
The administration has granted waivers for goods as varied as steel for public housing projects, high-speed Internet equipment, and Auburn’s manhole covers, which have heavy-duty hinges to help withstand the town’s heavy truck traffic.
GM, after receiving billions in U.S. taxpayer money, is repaying Americans by offshore outsourcing their jobs. Canadian auto workers are raising hell (and it was not even their taxpayer money) about it, trying to get limits on imports.
The Canadian Auto Workers union says Ottawa must make sure General Motors of Canada doesn't import any more vehicles from offshore countries if the government wants to protect jobs here and assure protection of public investment in the teetering automaker.
As talks for worker concessions continue in Canada, Detroit-based parent GM Corp. – which is seeking billions of dollars in public loans – has revealed to the U.S. Congress it plans to start importing small cars from China within two years. Union officials in both countries say the move will kill jobs in North America.
Remember the Stimulus and how we're all going to recover by getting those new shiny green jobs? Guess what, companies are offshore outsourcing them in droves:
The US firms have offshored 22,000 green technology jobs to India since January 1, 2009, Doug Brown, co-author of the influential 2009 Green Outsourcing Report, informed TNIE.
“We see the (green job offshoring) trend increasing as the US and the UK outsourcing buyers are seeking lower cost in labour and energy consumption. There are few suppliers who match credentials and outcomes of Indian firms,” he said.
The annual industry study by Brown-Wilson Group, which surveyed 4,000 global firms, was released last week.
If one doesn't know, this group, using Indians with U.S. citizenship, lobbies heavily to offshore outsource your job and also obtain guest worker Visas to displace U.S. workers.
Governor-Elect Tim Kaine of Virginia has appointed Mr. Aneesh Chopra, a leader of the Indian American community and an active member of the USINPAC Leadership Committee, as the first Indian American Secretary of Technology for the Commonwealth of Virginia. USINPAC congratulates Mr. Chopra on his appointment.
Well, well. All of you folks screaming your heads off about offshore outsourcing of Federal, State and customer service jobs are having an impact. Keep it up!
Department of Children and Families Secretary George Sheldon told reporters on Friday that JPMorgan Chase, which contracts a debit-like card for food stamp users in Florida, will stop routing the calls to India.
"I gather that technologically this is a bigger deal than just flipping a switch. I don't know how long this will take, but the process has begun," Sheldon told the US media.
"It's a very bad message, particularly in this economy but also across the board, to have call centers operating out of India," Sheldon said. "They have agreed that they will immediately begin the process of rerouting the calls so that no Florida calls will be going to India."
We have the new data for 2008 on H-1B. Computer World has published a searchable list of the top users of H-1B guest worker Visas.
Microsoft Corp. was the top U.S.-based recipient of H-1B visas in 2008, receiving approval for 1,037 visas, slightly more than in 2007. But the largest users of the program remain the major Indian offshore IT services firms -- and their use of H-1Bs appears to be increasing, according to government data.
The importance of the H-1B visa program to India-based outsourcers is clear from the fiscal 2008 approval list compiled by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). That fiscal year ended Sept. 30.
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