Obama to pick neo-liberal Rahm Emmanuel for Chief of Staff?

Rumor is that Barack Obama has approached Illinois Congressman and DCCC chairman Rahm Emmanuel to be chief of staff in his administration.

Who's Rahm Emmanuel?

He's the guy that rammed NAFTA down Congressional Democrats throats in 1993.

He's the guy who has been organizing the opposition to economic populism within the party.

He's the Hamilton Project's guy.

New boss? Same as the old boss.

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You got this guy right and he's also pushed the corporate guest worker agenda and ...well, this is bad news.

No Surprise....

....but it means a failed Obama administration. Emmanuel and those he represents are dumber than dirt when it comes to what needs to be done. Well, perhaps I should say he is 'ideologically blinded....' but what's the difference.

If this is true Obama is done before he starts.

'When you see a rattlesnake poised to strike, you do not wait until he has struck to crush him.'

what it means

is more corporate generated lobbyist written legislation, guaranteed absurd import of cheap labor and global labor arbitrage, the #1 agenda of these Democrats, more middle class destruction and more shoving the real Progressives and Populists into simply holding hearings or giving floor speeches with zero impact of the facts, statistics, experts on public policy.

It's clear to me at least the only way to get this nation back is to somehow get the corruption, the lobbyists, the money out of politics.

This campaign season could have funded a small nation, provided funds for 100 startups, feed how many millions in the United States.....and that's just the selling (shoving) of a candidate down our throats and no, McCain is not better, he's the same.

More neo-liberal congress people on their way

new democratic congresspeople like Ashwin Madia (MN-03) who are owned lock, stock and barrel by the Indian business community will simply add to the impetus for global labor arbitrage and open commerce while most other nations pursue neo-mercantilist policies.

Look for Mr. Madia to also be on Fox news next March or so expaining why x public investment program is wrong and why President Obama needs to focus on deficit reduction. Mr. Madia will also be counted on to lead the charge for privitizaton or partial-privatization of social security.

First thing he did

was offer the job to this neo-liberal. He just got a major mandate and this ain't it.

It's just like


First thing that Pelosi did was bring in Robert Rubin to indoctrinate the new representatives in neo-liberalism.

Remember my tangle with the crazies over at Big Orange?

I got an email from Pelosi's chief of staff saying that there would be a second meeting with representatives from labor.

So far as I know, it never occurred.

If it did I'd be interested in hearing about it.

now the grassroots lobbying begins

I'm fairly certain this is not what America voted for. It's pretty hard to lose against a guy running around with the queen of offshore outsourcing, so hated in tech circles for that, and the queen of insourcing demanding more guest worker Visas than there are jobs in the entire United States.

It's also clear the bail out vote caused some to lose their elections but the damage report hasn't been tallied yet.

I'm not aware what happened on DK, when the Obamamania took over, regardless of policy positions for me, well, that's why we have EP, to focus on the facts, analyze, look at what does what...

So now we need to analyze what we're going to get. The Senate races are still not resolved (some) and did we make any Progress in candidates basing policy on the facts or more corporate reps?

But one of our focuses is trying to get people to look at the statistics, the facts, the policy, the data and act accordingly.


This is bad, he's also a major corporate purchased insourcing agenda. He's sponsored one of the most egregious corporate written bills targeting all Professional careers in the United States for labor arbitrage. This including turning our educational system into a green card machine which will plain wipe out opportunities in US educational systems for Americans (the rejection rates for college are already way about 50%) plus literally flood the market.
Already there are less jobs than the number of STEM graduates and this will just toast US professionals, particularly in Science, Technology fields.


Rahm and NAFTA

Just do a google search on Emmanuel Rahm and NAFTA if you want to see how bad this guy is.

I did

Posted something to Technocrat about this, got all of my links edited out of existence and called a protectionist.

Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.

Emanuel accepts


It's official and let's just pray that these new Congress reps. stick to the facts and are not absurdly partisan.

One excuse an Obama supporter gave me

is that Emanuel is a "politics technician" who is perfectly willing to contradict himself when trying to get something passed.

If so, then the 37 new Democrats who campaigned against NAFTA will be a sufficient firewall....

Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.

sure thing

More like he will push more corporate agenda through. they just did that with 4 new bad trade deals, including the Peru, which passed, all the while in 2006 it was very clear from the Democrats who won, the entire nation wants a complete renegotiation, restructuring of trade policy that is in the national interest, working America's interests...

and that's not the only thing Dem leadership has tried to pass when the majority don't actually want it.

Let's just keep monitoring what is happening, but the more true Progressives/Populists gain control over Congress, the better it is. A Democrat does not a Populist necessarily make. ;)

Exactly the thing to do...

...the low-info folk at Orange Cheeto Land, FDL and the rest of the 'Big Man' sites are in confusion since their attempts to analyse what's going on are not working.

And they are not working because the folks doing this 'analysis' have no idea what the Pelousy Dems goals are. Despite all their time and bloviating folks like Stoller and Bowers still resemble moles out of their holes. Groping around for answers that need the cold, hard light of economic analysis as opposed to the stupidity of ID and gender politics. Both of which are useful to some extent when you are trying to figure out which way the sheeple will jump but useless when it comes to figuring out what the Upper Tenth's true goals are.

Rahmbo is either an inspired choice, the perfect 'bad cop' to Obama's 'good cop', of the first sign that we are looking a Hoover administration...not the second coming of FDR.

The next 30 days will tell us all we need to know. One thing Obama cannot hide is his appointments.

'When you see a rattlesnake poised to strike, you do not wait until he has struck to crush him.'

What are they thinking?

This is so disappointing...

What can we do to stop this?