wholesale inventories

February Wholesale Sales and Inventories Reported Down, Real Inventories Up

The February report on Wholesale Trade, Sales and Inventories (pdf) from the Census Bureau estimated that the seasonally adjusted value of wholesale sales was at $427.6 billion, down 0.2 percent (+/-0.5%) from the revised January level, and 3.1% percent (+/-1.2%) lower than wholesale sales of February 2015.  The January preliminary estimate was revised down $0.8 billion or 0.2 percent, leaving January's sales 1.9% below the December level.

Business Sales to Inventory Ratio Rises, Manufacturing Sales Decline -1.1% for June 2012

The Manufacturing and Trade Sales and Inventories report shows a -1.1% decrease in sales and an +0.1% increase in inventories for June 2012. Sales declined -1.1% for manufacturers, -0.8% for retailers and -1.4% for wholesalers. This is the 3rd month in a row for declining sales and this is the largest monthly percentage decrease since March 2009.


Wholesale Trade Sales & Inventories November 2010

The Wholesale Trade Sales & Inventories monthly report shows wholesale sales increased 1.9% from last month, but inventories dropped -0.2%. For the year, wholesale sales are up 12.2% and inventories have increased 8.4%.

October sales were revised up to 2.6%, wholesale inventories revised down to 1.7% September to October percentage changes.
