
Sunday Morning Comics - Post Election Edition

Sponsored by Yoda - Do or Do not, there is no try.

Cup O' Joe

Good Morning! Rise and Shine! Get that Cup O' Joe...
break out the O.J....hang out with the pooch...time to check out the Funnies!

Below are political cartoons and one can see why McCain lost so badly. It's the economy stupid. Now that the Euphoria is passing the daunting task which lays ahead becomes real.

Road to the Dog House

Obama to Crack Down on Tax Evasion?

This should be fun. The incoming Obama administration has eyed a new revenue source to help defray some of the budget shortfall.

Cracking down on offshore tax havens.

President-elect Barack Obama plans to crack down on international tax havens, including Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, within weeks of taking power in January, putting him on a collision course with Gordon Brown.

There is growing international pressure to outlaw the secretive practices of tax havens as a key part of reforms to the world's battered financial system, as the leaders of the world's 20 most powerful economies gather for a major conference in Washington next weekend....

Friday Movie Night - The Great Crash of 1929 plus 1930's FDR

 It's Friday Night! Party Time!   Time to relax, put your feet up on the couch, lay back, and watch some detailed videos on economic policy!

Tonight's theme is looking at some footage from the 1930's. Whenever there is economic turmoil I personally like to go back to the mother of all economic crises, The Great Depression.

The first film is an hour long documentary which has exceptional analysis, interviews and original film clips from 1929.

The Great Crash of 1929

2009: Recession vs. Recovery (Update 2)

Update 2, Nov. 7, 2008: We got three new pieces of data this week, 2 on the monetary front, and one on the inflation front.

On the monetary front, M1 was updated weekly, increasing to ~ +8% YoY. Monetary base continues to soar, up about 60% YoY now!

Meanwhile the ISM manufacturing "prices paid" index showed that more prices are declining than increasing at the producer level:

This is our first October inflation reading, and it strongly suggests we will get another month of deflation when the PPI and CPI come out in 2 weeks.

The Next Bubble: $2 Trillion In Federal Borrowing

"[Obama] will inherit an economy that is in recession and ... is likely to get worse before it gets better."
- Stuart Hoffman, chief economist for PNC Financial Services

The whole world is focused on America's presidential election, but people have forgotten that the next president is going to inherit the mess that the current president has left.

Manufacturing Tuesday: Special Election Issue


Greetings folks to this special election installment of Manufacturing Monday!  Today the big economic figure we're going look at will be the ISM survey on Manufacturing, but afterwards I want to share a bigger story.  Now I understand most of us, if not all, are either voting for Barack Obama and/or straight Democratic ticket.  But why?  Well we can cite environmental reasons, the GOP simply don't get climate change.  We can cite civil rights reasons, one need only look up Guantanamo on the map.  There's the war in Iraq and America's current imperial ambitions.  But we also can cite economic reasons. 

We're Going to Stop Offshore Outsourcing, Really, Swear!

There has been enormous campaign rhetoric on tax incentives to offshore outsource American jobs. But can corporate tax policy alone really do much?

Firstly, what are Politicians even talking about? When corporations keep profits in a foreign country, they don't pay taxes on that money in the United States. A reasonable explanation:

Delivery Failure

You ever have one of those weeks?  You know, where one bad thing leads to another.  That, by Wednesday you wish it were Friday, and by Friday you wish it were Saturday?  One of those weeks that could be summed up with those three words....what..the...fuck? That, my dear Economic Populists, has been my week.  So why bring that up at all?  I feel I owe you all an apology.  You see, every week I put out my little cruddy column, Manufacturing Monday (or Tuesday), yet this week nothing came out. Now I know I'm not one of the better bloggers out there on the web.  Far from that, and I know my econ stuff isn't the best either, that goes to the two folks who I think are the kings of that, Bonddad and Jerome a Paris.  I'm a piece of crap compared to them, a rookie, a guppy, a greenhorn, a Padawon Jedi Learner, well you get the idea. 

Sunday Morning Comics - Election Edition

Sponsored by corporate lobbyists - so many candidates, so many ways to buy them

Cup O' Joe

Good Morning! Rise and Shine! Get that Cup O' Joe...
break out the O.J....hang out with the pooch...time to check out the Funnies!

Today's theme are the best of the election campaign videos that are brazenly sexistracistrudebiasedlieshostile
