The Durable Goods, advance report shows new orders increased by 3.3% for April 2013. Wall Street soars, yet the gains are on volatile aircraft new orders. Aircraft and parts new orders from the non-defense sector increased 18.1% and jumped 53.3% from the defense sector. Excluding all transportation, new orders rose 1.3%. Core capital goods new orders increased 1.2%.
The Durable Goods advance report shows new orders declined by -5.2% for January 2013. But that's not the real story as Defense new orders plunged the most since January 2009. Without defense, durable goods new orders the January decline would have been just -0.4%.
The Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders report shows factory new orders increased 1.8% for December. Without transportation equipment, new orders increased 0.2%. November showed a -0.3% decline whereas October had a 0.8% increase.
The Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders report shows factory new orders increased 0.8% for October. September showed a 4.5% increase whereas August had a -5.1% decline. This Census statistical release is called Factory Orders by the press and covers both durable and non-durable manufacturing orders, shipments and inventories.
The Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders report shows factory new orders increased 2.8% for July. This is quite a turn around and new orders have increased two of the last three months, although May and June together were a wash, with +0.5% and -0.5% monthly changes in new orders respectively.
The Manufacturing and Trade Sales and Inventories report shows a -1.1% decrease in sales and an +0.1% increase in inventories for June 2012. Sales declined -1.1% for manufacturers, -0.8% for retailers and -1.4% for wholesalers. This is the 3rd month in a row for declining sales and this is the largest monthly percentage decrease since March 2009.
The Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders report shows a -0.5% new orders decrease for June. The last three of four months in manufacturing new orders have shown declines. May revised down, from +0.7% to +0.5%. This Census statistical release is called Factory Orders by the press and covers both durable and non-durable manufacturing orders, shipments and inventories.
The Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders report shows a May 0.7% new orders increase after two months of decline. This statistical release is called Factory Orders by the press and covers both durable and non-durable manufacturing orders, shipments and inventories.
The Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders report shows an April -0.6% decline in new orders after March's -2.1% new orders decline. This report is called Factory Orders by the press and covers both durable and non-durable manufacturing orders, shipments and inventories.
The Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders report was released today. This report is called Factory Orders by the press and covers both durable and non-durable manufacturing orders, shipments and inventories. While new orders increased 1.3% from January, the first thing to notice is new orders have recovered to pre-recession levels.
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