
Must Read Posts - Sometimes you just can't say it better for 01.18.10

On The Economic Populist you might have noticed the middle column. We try to list other sites and blogs who have exceptional insight and writing on what is happening in the U.S. economy.

Sometimes though, one cannot say it better but miss those who did.

Must Read Post #1

Econbrowser digs deep into the headline buzz generated when the Federal Reserve turned a $46 billion dollar profit. how the Federal Reserve Turned a Profit gives a fairly in depth analysis, says the Fed's strategy is an alternative to quantitative easing and has some additional warnings in the conclusion.

Must Read Post #2

Sunday Morning Comics - Pitchfork Redux Edition

Sponsored by Big Banks - We strive to inspire gallows humor every single day
Cup O' Joe


Good Morning! Rise and Shine! Get that Cup O' Joe...
break out the O.J....hang out with the pooch...time to check out the Funnies!


The Word - Your Honor" alt="" width="525" />


FDIC Proposal: Link Banks Risk to Executive pay

Earlier we mentioned the FDIC might take on executive pay.

Now the FDIC is asking for comments on this proposal.

The FDIC is seeking comment on how these types of risks should be accounted for when setting an institution’s risk-based assessment.

Employee compensation programs have been cited as a contributing factor in 35 percent of the reports prepared in 2009 investigating the causes of insured depository institution failures and the associated losses to the DIF.

Bloomberg reports the FDIC board vote.

Blame the Real Cause of this Crisis

Last week, Ben Bernanke blamed lax regulation for the financial crisis.  He was responding to those who claim low interest rate environment caused the crisis. Conservatives blame Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  These all were contributing factors and not the real cause of the crisis.  The depth of this crisis is too severe to blame one or several contributing factor. 

Friday Movie Night - Simon Johnson & Select Bill Moyer's Interviews

hot buttered popcorn It's Friday Night! Party Time!   Time to relax, put your feet up on the couch, lay back, and watch some detailed videos on economic policy!


This week isn't a full bore film but a series of interviews, with most, save one, from Bill Moyer's Journal.

Simon Johnson

First up in this interview with Simon Johnson saying the financial crisis is just beginning. The Big 6 banks' balance sheet is now equal to 60% of GDP and Johnson believes because of the carry trade and reckless Zombie banks who now have cheap money to dump into emerging markets.



Ignoring the Big Picture/Disturbing Trend in Graphs

Recently there has been several stories about 2000s being the Lost Decade of Jobs. No kidding. But what the stories fail to discuss is what are the reasons for the lack of job growth. Could it be because of economic policy? Heck, yeah - our current economic policy relies on wage suppression, cheap imports, more debt, abandonment of manufacturing sector (part of wage suppression strategy) and asset price inflation. But why don't we hear about this in the traditional media?

First, a Business Week article:


Second, from a New York Times Article:

