
Friday Movie Night - The Progressive Era, Roaring 20's & Great Depression

 It's Friday Night! Party Time!   Time to relax, put your feet up on the couch, lay back, and watch some detailed videos on economic policy!


This evening it is back to high school to watch some films on the Progressive and Populist Political movements as well as the 1920's and 1930's.

No, you are not experiencing a past life.

Didn't someone say history repeats itself?

What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009? - Part III

I have held off on posting more information on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ongoing negotiations in the Senate due to the minute by minute changes and even a question of it's passage.

As usual the talking heads on cable news only talk about victory and not the specifics or credible analysis.

Previous posts include CBO analysis and other economists' analysis with potential stimulus effect. See Part II and Part I.

Here are the latest congressional actions.

The new cost is $780 billion dollars....or $805 billion...or what's another few billion? About $110 billion stripped from the previous Senate version.

Senators Sanders & Grassley Offer Hire American Amendment - Watered Down to a Symbolic Gesture

This is an update. I just read in Business Week that the actual amendment passed is not what is presented originally the below post. I've now confirmed:

This amendment, as modified, is being cosponsored by Senator Grassley and has been cleared by both sides. This amendment simply requires recipients of TARP funding to meet strict H-1B worker hiring standards to prevent displacement of U.S. workers.

Outsourcing expert Ron Hira estimates this will only affect 1,000 jobs. Remember Citigroup alone fired 50,000 and also signed a $2 billion dollar offshore outsourcing contract after receiving a $25 billion dollars in U.S. taxpayer money.

Here is Grassley's Press release:

Proposed new Unemployment Rate number- U7

The BLS reports today that January lost 598,000 jobs in the United States, pushing U3 to 7.6%.  This isn't a very scary figure, which is why they report it in the news.  U6 is much scarier- 13.9%.  But I contend that neither of these tell the real story from a "the economy should provide first level Maslow needs to the people" point of view.

Instead, I propose that the real story is answered by the question, what is the ratio of dependents (non-labor people) to workers (people with jobs).  This includes, of course, sole-income investors (those who rely on dividends from investment as their sole source of income), stay-at-home parents, the disabled and sick, and children all as dependents.  It also includes all the unemployed as dependents, if you don't have income from a job then you're living off of the income of other people in one form or another for the most part.

If I were President . . .

The past week, the news that Merrill Lynch had hurried to pay out billions of dollars in bonuses before the end of the year, provoked a torrent of tirades and rage across America. Now, progressive blogs are in another uproar over the perceived lack of leadership from President Barack Obama in the fight for a stimulus program. Many defenders of President Obama demand to know what he might do different. And many seem not to feel, or do not yet understand, that the financial and banking system needs a complete reformation. Well, here’s my suggestion, in the form of a speech the President can give explaining a few crucial, truly transformative measures to the nation.

My fellow Americans,

The 2009 Parable of the Talents

“Once upon a time, a man went on a journey, and summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.

The one who had received five talents went off right away and put his money to work in a Wall Street investment bank speculating in complex derivatives.

In the same way, the one who had two took out a negative-amortization, stated income subprime mortgage on a McMansion.

But the one who had received one talent went out and invested in a money market account, which dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money in it, earning only 2% a year.

Manufacturing Tuesday: Vol. 2.3.09

Greetings everyone to another new installment in the Manufacturing series. Now this was intended to be released yesterday, but some emergency family issues came up that needed to be resolved (this seems to be happening a lot to me on these days lately!). So, please accept my apologies on the delay. Saying that, though there is a silver lining, I'm going to go ahead and basically give you a more "fresher" version of what was planned for yesterday (I normally write these up on Saturday and Sunday). So without further adieu....

The Numbers

Yesterday we got the latest ISM Manufacturing Survey Index figures for the month of January. The patient is recovering, but is still in critical condition!

California is officially flat broke

Today was the day when California's budget problems went from bad to worse.

Since legislators have yet to produce a solution to California's $42 billion dollar budget deficit, state money has now completely stopped flowing outward.

Declaring itself officially broke, the state government will begin issuing IOU's instead of check for grants, schools and any other organization or program which was previously receiving funding. Additionally, your California income tax refund check this year will not be sent out until after a balanced budget is passed. Those who have already filed their taxes will get an announcement noting the delay.

Buy American

By now you would have to live in a cave to not experience the blow back in the simple act of buying U.S. steel. This is the Buy American provision in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

This is not even the real issue. The question really should be why are not U.S. taxpayer funds to be used first and foremost to create jobs for U.S. workers?

Banks receiving massive U.S. taxpayer funds are firing U.S. workers while keeping temporary foreign guest workers. Why? Because they are an important conduit to offshore outsource and they are cheaper.
